Ruri: So here I am, still with the idiots. I need a new agent.
Admiral Munetake: Manned robot = Jovian on board. Find him!
Jun: Oh, gripe.
Seiya: Yeah, really. Hey, wait a minute, I changed my mind, this gives us the opportunity to invade the chicks' privacy in ways we haven't even contemplated before. Let's get him!
Erina: Well, I guess I'll be ticking down the hours until I get my precious pawn back.
Prospector: You like him!
Erina: Do not!
Yurika: Step OFF from my man, bitch.
Erina: Grrrr. Let's come THIS close to having a catfight. Naw, I'll just explain myself instead. You see, captain, Akito is the key to the fact that you all survived the boson jump from Mars. Got it?
Yurika: Sure do! It means that ho Ms. Fressange is trying to bogart my man!
Inez: I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Erina's right, captain.
Jun: I hate my life. And this stupid costume.
Seiya: OMG OMG I am SOOOOO smart! Gekigangar merchandise strewn everywhere is the PERFECT trap!
Minato: For the 7000th time, I am not getting off the ship.
Goat: If you keep saying that, I might just have to dump you
Minato: And we all know I'd NEVER be able to find another guy.
Ruri: Hi. I heard everything.
Ryoko, Izumi and Hikaru: Us too.
Goat: I hate my life.
Megumi: So now I'M watching Gekigangar too. And, uh, I know this show was made 100 years before I was born, but
Tsukumo: Don't touch that dial!!!!!!
Megumi: Um, since when do giant rabbit plushies talk?
Erina: So, exactly why did you become a captain anyway?
Yurika: Because I'm not Daddy's little girl, but, uh, everybody THINKS I am.
Erina: God, you just bury the needle on the Ditzometer, you know that?
Minato: Lay off her.
Inez: She is SORT of right, you know. Whoops, did I just show up out of nowhere again? So exactly what are your plans, captain?
Yurika: Uh, well, I guess ending the war would be nice
Ryoko: That sounds like a plan to me.
Erina: Okay, losers, I'm going to be RUNNING Nergal within three years. Beat that.
Yurika: Well, we can't all be superstars.
Seiya: If there is a "bath house" scene in an anime, there MUST be a "bath house peeping" scene. So, uh, it's not my fault if me and my boys get caught.
Hikaru: *PINCH* I would say you're busted.
Yurika, Erina, Ryoko, Izumi, Inez and Minato: Intruder??? Admiral, XPLN PLZ.
Admiral Munetake: Why me? Why always me?
Ruri: Because you suck, of course.
Nadesico logo: Fanservice is good.
Akito: Well, I'm still stuck on the moon. Y'know, I feel a bit guilty that that cannon fodder chick bit it in my place.
Yurika: So if there's a Jovian spy on board, that would mean they're humanoid or something, right?
Jun: Well, yeah, but humans have never gone past Mars, right? RIGHT?
Minato: Ho, BRING YO ASS.
Megumi: Um, just a minute, I-
Minato: Er, who's that?
Tsukumo: Busted. What's up? I'm Tsukumo Shiratori, and I'm a Jovian officer.
Minato: Uh, humans have never gone past Mars.
Tsukumo: Well, you know how they say the winners write the history books? We weren't the winners.
Minato: All right, Tsukumo, we're smuggling you out in a basket of bras and panties. Try not to drool and nosebleed all over everything.
Goat: Now's not a good time to do the laundry, morons.
Minato: Step off!
Goat: Make me.
Tsukumo: What utter lack of chivalry! You sicken me
whoops, busted again.
Akito: Another weird nightmare about a mysterious floating fortress. I should ponder it.
Genichiro: Sorry to bust up your pondering, Earth wuss, but I'm here to attack the moon! *BOOM*
Akito: All right, I'll save everybody. But why exactly are you giving me a mech to fight with?
Nergal Executive: Well, it sort of has to do with wanting to protect that ship under construction over there. Meet Nergal's ND-004 Shakuyaku, the fourth Nadesico-class battleship.
Akito: ND-004? Wait a minute, why isn't there an ND-003?
Nergal Executive: Shhh! Mum's the word, or the end of episode 24 will get really complicated.
Genichiro: I rock. Huh?
Akito: Hi there, I'm here to kick your butt.
Prospector: Well, his DNA's a bit kooky but otherwise he's human.
Tsukumo: You're damn right I'm human, Earth jerk!
Ruri: Captain, Akito's sort of in deep shit.
Yurika: In that case, off we go to save him!
Erina: Shouldn't we be placing a bit more emphasis on the fact that we have an enemy spy and Megumi and Minato were collaborating with him?
Minato: Erina, did you have your ovaries surgically removed or something?
Akatsuki: Well, I don't see anything wrong with usurping the captain to perpetuate the myth that the Jovians are inhuman. Sorry, bud, but you're gonna have to die. Huh? *WHANG*
Minato: Run for it, Tsukumo.
Tsukumo: But I'm supposed to be a prisoner?
Megumi: Your jailer is unconscious on the floor, lamebrain.
Jun: I'll be the hero and stop the Jovian from escaping!
Tsukumo: How about I shoot you instead?
Gun: *BLAM*
Akito: Eat rail gun!
Genichiro: Eat gravity blast!
Akito: Whoa, hold up. You're human?
Yurika: Hey, Akito! Great job getting your butt kicked.
Genichiro: Aw, shit. I'm outta here. *FLASH*
Erina: Way to go, captain. The prisoner's escaped and Megumi and Minato are with him.
Jun: ARGH not to mention I URGH got shot in the OWWW leg!
Ryoko: Dammit, I suppose we have to hunt them down.
Akatsuki: Seems that way.
Yurika: I'm tagging along!
Akito: Me too!
Yurika: After all, I'm the one who fucked up!
Akito: Humans, they're really humans, the Jovians are really humans, they're humans like me, they're-
Ryoko: Both of you, shut up! Let's rock.
Yurika: Y'know, Akito, you're kind of creepy when you're mad.
On to Episode 16: The Beginning Of Nadesico's War