Rico: Well, gentlemen, welcome to hell.
Fei: I thought you said this was the sewers.
Rico: You say that now, but just wait. After 3,450 random battles, you'll understand.
Citan: Quiet, you two! We are being watched! |
Rico and Fei: Buh…?
Citan: Crap, it got away. Well, I guess we must look around now.
Fei: Oh, okay. No sweat.
*Approximately 3,450 random battles later…*
Fei: Make it stop… mommy, make it STOP…
Rico: Told you so. Hey, looks like we finally found a murder site.
Citan: Hmm, there is green slime all over the place-and on a drainpipe nearby.
Fei: Who you gonna call?!
Rico: ...
Citan: Never mind him, I think the monotony of this dungeon is messing with his head. Let us keep looking.
*Approximately 1,800 random battles later…*
Fei: Letmeoutofhereletmeoutofhereletmeoutofhereletmeoutofhereletmeoutofhereletmeoutofhereletmeoutofhere
Citan: Zip it. It looks like we found another murder site. And it looks like this one got slimed too.
Rico: The evidence seems to be clear.
Fei: Is that it? Can we leave now?
Rico: Don't be silly, we've got to find that thing.
Fei: *whimper whimper*
Thousands of video game players: *whimper whimper*
*Approximately 640 random battles later…*
Citan: I thought I heard… I thought I heard a tinkle!
Fei: Whoops, sorry. This dungeon was taking so long, I couldn't hold it…
Citan: No, not that kind of tinkle. I mean…
Fei: Wait… was it… a bell?
Rico: A bell…?! A bell!
John Cleese: While they're all saying "A bell, a bell" over and over, let's skip ahead to the sewage treatment room.
Rico: Okay, Fei. I think we've got it cornered. Use the keys you found lying around to open up the door.
Fei: Pardon me while I fumble with the keys just long enough for the monster to escape.
Citan: Fei, you suck. Well, at least we found something.
Fei: It's… a bell! A bell!
John Cleese: Stop that! Stop that!
Citan: Okay, it appears we can use that bell to summon the monster. We just have to find a spot where it has not killed anyone yet.
Fei: Well, that'll be…
Rico: *raises eyebrow*
Fei: …a snap… oh, who am I kidding?
*Approximately 300 random battles later…*
Fei: *breathing heavily* Okay, found the spot… if this thing doesn't show up… something is going to get broken… *rings bell*
Redrum: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!!! Taste the wrath of my insanely cheap instant kill attack!
Fei: Oh no you don't! I'm not going to get kicked back to my last save point after being down here for an hour and a half! DIEEEEEEEE!
Redrum: Crap. *dies*
Rico: Well, that was a tough battle.
Fei: Puh. You weren't much help, only having half as many combos as Doc and I do anyway.
Citan: Well, that was a pity. It was not human, but maybe it used to be.
Rico: Bummer.
Fei: No way, I refuse to feel sorry for a monster that forced me to wander around this boring-ass dungeon. Now that I've cleared my name, can we cut to the outside?
Rico: Negative, we've got to hike all the way back through the sewers.
*Approximately 150 random battles later…*
Rico: Well then, see you in the tournament. *strategic wince of pain*
Fei: Hey, your arm is hurt!
Rico: Bah. It's not like it'll give you the advantage you need to beat me in the tournament or anything.
Fei: …k…
Citan: Hmm, we have gotten off the main plot here. I better get us back on track.
Emperor Cain: I think that's my cue. 'Sup, G?
Citan: Oh, 'he' is causing trouble again in Kislev.
Emperor Cain: Yeah, those wrinkled old wankers in the Ministry are scared shitless of 'him'. So… you want me to order a drive-by?
Citan: No, I think we can leave 'him' be for the time being.
Emperor Cain: Whoa, hold up. I just got a message from the Ministry. Looks like they went ahead and ordered a drive-by anyway. Actually it's more like a bomb-by. PUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Citan: Eep. …Hey, who put the lights out?
Part 18