...Recreated from my "Armor For the Fiberglass-Phobic" Thread at the Cosplay.com Message Forum.
Special thanks to the people of that forum who provided me with helpful suggestions for putting this article together.
Special thanks also to Emily McGinn of Quickbrownkitsune.com , Anne Hauser and Mary Carricaburu whose generous donations paid for the extra bandwidth needed to keep this site from going offline the last few days of every month.
Anyone else who wants to support he site can do so by clicking on the Donate button to your left.
What you'll learn in this tutorial: A method of making convincing-looking costume armor and props for people who don't have access to (or an inclination to work with) heavy power tools or dangerous materials. You'll learn how to work with foam, styrene, PVC tubing, sculpey, foamboard, glues, and other materials, and how to cut and paint them to create a variety of shapes and objects.
NOTE: The methods covered in this tutorial are most useful when it comes to making armor containing flat plates and relatively smooth surfaces. If you want to create armor which is more along the lines of a hardsuit (like Bubblegum crisis) or which looks insectoid or organic in nature (like Guyver), you'll probably want to try another method страх менять работу. (Even *shudder* fiberglass.) A good place to go to learn how to make cast armor is Bioweapons.com.
The Definitive Stormtrooper Costume How-To. If you want to create armor which is going to be used in combat (SCA, LARP), there are countless online armories which specialize in making metal, leather or ABS plastic armor. Check out my Armor and Propmaking Links List for some helpful sites on armor patternmaking and construction.
Now then, let's take a look at MY method for creating armor...
Page 1: Introduction
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