Personal Information:
Real Name: Teresa Dietzinger
Online Name:
Amethyst Angel

Birth date: 2-29-1972
Degree: B.F.A in Graphic Design, SCSU, MN Outlook on Life: Guarded but optimistic
Been Drawing Since: 1977
Been Sewing Since: 1989

Current Favorites:
TV: MST3K reruns, NOVA, Futurama
Movie: Master and Commander, LOTR Trilogy,
Anime: Inu-Yasha, Heat Guy J, Angelic Layer
Manga: Iron Wok Jan
Video Game: Disgaea, .hack//infection
Artists: Albrecht Durer, Andrew Wyeth, Titian, Vermeer
Music: They Might Be Giants, Vince Guaraldi, Dave Brubeck, and a bunch of other musicians people under 30 have probably never heard of.


Other website: Amethyst's Cosplay, Studio Onyx