Episode 20: Run Silent, Run Deep

Ruri: Uh, wow, I'm surprised I wasn't drunk when I entered that talent contest. Back to the war. Y'know, if every episode had storytelling as taut as this one, we could probably compete with Cowboy Bebop.

Yurika: This is so boring, playing rear guard. Oh! I guess it's my turn to butcher You Get To Burning, huh?

Erina: Captain, remind me to never go to a karaoke bar with you. Sheesh, you people are losers. But it's all good, since Genius Erina is on the scene to whip you geeks into sh-

Ruri: Uh, something just blew up right on our ass.

Megumi: Uh, something very big is coming our way.

Ruri: And it looks like something's about to blow up in the Y-Unit. *BOOM* Yup, there it goes.

Seiya: Good thing I went on making ad hoc modifications to the ship or we'd all be dead! Chew on /that/ Scotty! HA!

Goat: Uh, that's all well and good, but what about that ship?

Ruri: It's, uh, flocking this way.

Yurika: Well, kids, I say we run.

Everyone: HUH?

Yurika: Trust me.

Everyone: GULP.

Yurika: Take us into space, Minato!

Ruri: Well, captain, I guess you were right. We managed to dodge that bullet. But, uh, they're still coming after us.

Ryoko: Screw running!

Izumi and Hikaru: You want to do ANOTHER kind of screwing, don't you?

Yurika: Okay Explanation Lady, let's hear it.

Inez: The long and short of it is that they figured out how to boson-jump bombs and missiles. Worst part is, we wouldn't even know what hit us.

Yurika: Well, we never fail to give weapons really incongruous names, so I hereby dub that thingie the Boson Cannon.

Akito: If you say so, nutbar.

Saburota: Ha ha! I guess we're ripping off Crimson Tide in this episode, so I'll be the impetuous hot headed executive officer! Stupid earth persons! Ha!

Akiyama: I'll be the cool, battle-tested captain. Get a clue, kid, running away was pretty damn smart.

Inez: HowEVER� it's not a perfect weapon. They have to get within 100 km before they can hit us.

Izumi: Uh, but we can't hit them with the Aestivalis either.

Akatsuki: Welp, I'd say we're still fucked.

Prospector: Chill, homie. What say you, captain?

Yurika: ...

Erina: Oh Christ, not the old falling asleep joke again.

Yurika: �who, me?

Izumi: Uh, yeah, you.

Prospector: How about a five-minute break? Smoke if you got 'em.

Akito: Phooey, now I don't get to go fishing. My life sucks.

Akatsuki: We're fighting for our lives and you're whining about fishing? Get a GRIP, dude.

Yurika: OMG OMG OMG! That is BRILLIANT! Fishing! Wow! What a whiz-banger!

Seiya: We're performing surgery on missiles. Are you sure it's not Star Trek we're ripping off this time?

Akito: Whoa, we get funky spears that are not at ALL like the Lance Of Longinus in their ability to neutralize AT fields distortion fields.

Howmei: Okay girls, whip up a nice lunchie-lunchie for our piloty-piloties! Er, that sucked.

Howmei Girls: Okay ma'am, but only if we get to squeal about which pilot each of us gets to give a lunch to.

Goat: Okay, captain, we're all set for Operation Conservation Treehugger.

Yurika: Okay Minato,
Kill the headlights and put it in neutral/
Stock car flaming with the loser on the cruise control!

Erina: Great, we're sitting ducks. You'd better not fuck up, captain.

Yurika: We gotta believe!

Nadesico logo: Uh, wait a minute. I think Crimson Tide came out after this series did. Maybe we're really ripping Das Boot off.

Akiyama: Hmm, nice move again, Earth punks.

Saburota But, uh, they dropped their guard.

Akiyama: True, but we have no idea where the hell they are now with their engines off. Just *how* did you make it through military school, anyway?

Goat: Er, they didn't bite the bait.

Ruri: Flailing about and shrieking isn't going to change the fact that you're floating around in zero G, captain.

Yurika: SUE ME! Remember, kids, buckle up! WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!

Prospector: She is SOOOO resourceful, you know that? Chip off the old block.

Erina: Give me a break. Maybe you should launch the pilots, CAPTAIN? *twitch twitch*

Seiya: Okay pilots, run your asses down that launch tube!

Akito: LAME.

Hikaru: I second.

Akatsuki: I, uh, second the second.

Akito: Here I am placing my life in another one of that ditz's harebrained schemes.

Yurika: Don't sweat it, darling! Our slapdash battle tactics will surely prevail thanks to our awesome teamwork and unrelenting desire to not die virgins!

Erina: Gag me w/a SPOON. OMG.

Akiyama: Hmm, taking potshots doesn't seem to be working. Crafty little bastards.

Akito: This is�

Ryoko: BORING.

Hikaru: *SNORE*

Akatsuki: Well, I may as well say my bedtime prayers.

Izumi: Only if I can chip in with an inane pun or two.

Yurika: Okay, launch all our missiles at that whopper! And ignore the bean counter's whining.

Erina: Enough with the fishing analogies!

Yurika: No worries, kids, I'm playing the Jovians like a fiddle and they don't even know it.

Missiles: *BOOM BOOM BOOM*

Goat: So, uh, shouldn't we finish them?

Inez: Whoa there, tiger. It wouldn't work.

Yurika: Patience, grasshoppers!

Saburota: @##&*@#%@&#%@$@^%*#@&*@#%*&#%!!!!! Let's FUCK their asses up! </P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/akiyama_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Akiyama: </B> Whoa there, tiger. It's a trap.</P> </TD><TR BGCOLOR="#FFCCCC"> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/saburota_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Saburota:</B> But we found them!</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/akiyama_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Akiyama: </B> No, they moved. It's time to play the player!</P> </TD><TR BGCOLOR="#FFCCCC"> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/erina_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Erina:</B> It didn't WORK, Ms. Tactical Genius.</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/yurika_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Yurika:</B> We gotta have FAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIITTTHHHHHHHH!!!!!</P> </TD><TR BGCOLOR="#FFCCCC"> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/akito_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Akito:</B> Uh� I Have A Very Bad Feeling About This.�</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/yurika_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Yurika:</B> Woo hoo! I get to sing again! Um, why are you all glaring at me?</P> </TD><TR BGCOLOR="#FFCCCC"> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/ryoko_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Ryoko:</B> Well, lookie lookie, there's the big fish. Time to set the hook huh? Let's rock!</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/yurika_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Yurika:</B> Okay, kids, bring the big guns back up.</P> </TD> </TD><TR BGCOLOR="#FFCCCC"> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/akiyama_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Akiyama:</B> Tricky little bastards. Fortunately, we're playing seven-card, not five-card.</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/erina_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Erina:</B> I know that THIS IS ANIME�, but you seem to be awfully good at fighting people despite your distaste for it.</P> </TD> </TD><TR BGCOLOR="#FFCCCC"> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/yurika_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Yurika:</B> Aw, just doing my job. And it's all for Akito, of course!</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/erina_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Erina:</B> Just shoot me now.</P> </TD> </TD><TR BGCOLOR="#FFCCCC"> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/saburota_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Saburota:</B> Er, captain, they are about to fuck us up!</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/akiyama_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Akiyama:</B> Chill. Let's hit 'em with our extremely super Leap Cannon!</P> </TD> </TD><TR BGCOLOR="#FFCCCC"> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/akito_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Akito:</B> Sorry, buddy, say bye-bye to your pretty gun. *BOOM*</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/saburota_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Saburota:</B> Okay, that does it. Big-ass mech time!</P> </TD> </TD><TR BGCOLOR="#FFCCCC"> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/ryoko_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/hikaru_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/izumi_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Ryoko, Hikaru and Izumi:</B> L-7 WEENIE.</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/saburota_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Saburota:</B> Yeah, sure, whatever. Eat metal death!</P> </TD> </TD> </TR> <TR><TR BGCOLOR="#FFCCCC"> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/akatsuki_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Akatsuki:</B> Uh, mommy always told me I was a backstabber. *POKE BOOM*</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/saburota_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Saburota: </B> Aw, shit! Well, kids, looks like I'm going bye bye. *FLASH FLASH FLASH KAAAA-BOOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!*</P> </TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> </TR> <TR><TR BGCOLOR="#FFCCCC"> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/akiyama_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Akiyama:</B> Okay, he wasn't the smartest executive officer I've ever had, but, uh� bummer.</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/saburota_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Saburota: </B> Er, I'm not dead yet.</P> </TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> </TR> <TR><TR BGCOLOR="#FFCCCC"> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/akiyama_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Akiyama:</B> Ohhh, you wacky kids!</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/ruri_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Ruri:</B> Well, you did it again, captain. They're running away.</P> </TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> </TR> <TR><TR BGCOLOR="#FFCCCC"> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/yurika_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Yurika:</B> Yeah, I rule.</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/erina_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Erina:</B> Why can't my head just explode and save me this humiliation?</P> </TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> </TR> <TR><TR BGCOLOR="#FFCCCC"> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/megumi_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Megumi:</B> Uh, the captain of the other ship says you rock. But he also thinks you're a man.</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <CENTER><img src="http://amethyst-angel.com/yurika_thumb.jpg" width="58" height="58" border="0"></CENTER> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma" ><B>Yurika:</B> No respect! Nyuk nyuk nyuk.</P> </TD> </TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=40> <P></P> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=800> <P> <A HREF="http://amethyst-angel.com/nadesico/nadesico_tt_21.html"><FONT SIZE="2" FONT FACE="Tahoma">On to Episode 21: The Meadows We Once Ran Across</FONT></A> <br> <br><A HREF="http://amethyst-angel.com/nadesico_main_tt.html"><FONT SIZE="2"FONT FACE="Tahoma">Home</FONT></A> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </body> </html>