Hamlet: Prince of Denmark
Son of the late King Hamlet and Queen Gertrude
Zelgadis Greywers
Queen Gertrude
Widow of the late King Hamlet, now married to Claudius
Martina Navracha--Navratill--whatever her last name is....
King Claudius
Brother to the Late King Hamlet
Zangulus...uh... I'm not even sure if he HAS a last name...
The Ghost
Rezo Greywers
Rezo's Stunt Double and Understudy---
Kopii Rezo
Hamlet's Beloved
Amelia Wil Tesla Sailune
Ophelia's Brother
Xelloss Metallium
Father of Ophelia and Laertes and Lord Chamberlain of the Court of Denmark
His Royal Highness Prince Philionel
Hamlet's Best Friend
Lina Inverse
A Soldier
Gourry Gabriev
Another Soldier
Sylphiel Nels Rada
Valgarv the Ryuzoku
Courtiers at the Danish Court
Rosencranz..........Garv, the Demon Dragon King
Guildenstern..........Hellmaster Phibrizzo
Filia Ul Copt
Head of the Ministry of Culture
Naga, the White Serpent
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