Measuring Guide

I have several methods for generating patterns. The kind of costume you require will determine the drafting method I choose.

Sometimes I use Patternmaster Software to create my patterns. If such is the case, then upon receiving your order for a costume, I will send you an URL with instructions on how to measure yourself and a link to an order form which you can cut and paste into an e-mail and fill out as you go.

Sometimes I won't be able to use the Patternmaster software to create my patterns. (If I need to generate a pattern for an armor piece, a Renaissance-style garment or a costume that's truly unusual in nature, I'll have to use alternate methods of drafting. ) If such is the case, I will send you a measurements list and instructions specific to your project.

Make certain when measuring yourself to be as accurate and honest as possible. Measure yourself while wearing the undergarments (and/or the support garments) you plan on wearing under your costume. (If you're a guy who's crossplaying, remember to don your bra before measuring. Same thing goes if you're a girl who's cross-playing--remember to strap down and flatten your chest.)

Be relaxed, and take as much time as you need to get accurate measurements. Try not to stretch your measuring tape tightly as you measure. Keep it loose and easy. I will most likely need for you (if you're female) to provide your dress and bra cup size or (if you're male) to provide your shirt and pants sizes. I will probably also need to know your height as well. (In some specific cases, I need to know your head circumference and/or shoe size, in which case I will ask for them.)

Have any questions? Wish to place an order? All inquiries, orders and/or general comments should be directed to (Address is spambot-protected, so remove the capital letters before sending.)