Assignment: Create a Yuffie Kisaragi costume (minus the shoes and the shorts.) Simple enough...

First thing I did was make the tank top. My efforts to locate a green sweater of the right size and color were fruitless, so I had to make my own out of a dark green knit fabric, into which I sewed ridges at regular intervals to create the ribbed pattern. I used the fabric left over from this to make the ties for the headband as well as the small drape of fabric which dangles down from the shoulder armor.

Ahh, the shoulder armor. I made this using a piece of plastic cut from a decorative oversized Easter Egg. The orange brooch which is attached to it was made by cutting a circular piece of curved plastic and edging it with a thin layer of foam and plastic sheeting.

The various other pieces of armor I also created out of foam and plastic, studded with plastic buttons and then painted silver. Interestingly enough, I found the armor parts of this costume easier to create than the cloth parts, like the blue torso-cover, (I know. I know. I suck when it comes to making up terms for made-up articles of clothing and armor) and the arm sheath, which I had to pad with foam and sew to the underside of the shoulder armor.

The Ninja Star I made later as part of a prop experiment. I used styrene-covered foamcore for the crossbars and foam and styrene for the blades. Then I painted the blades to look like sharpened metal. The materia I made from tiny Christmas ornaments. I like how it turned out (and, as of this writing, still have it hanging on a hook on my bedroom wall.)

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