Aeris Gainsborough (version 1)

Aeris 01 Aeris 02 Aeris 03 Aeris 04 Aeris 05 Aeris 06

One of those cosplay outfits that bears just enough resemblance to actual, normal clothing that you'll think it'll be easy to make. But when you actually try to sew it, it turns out to be a lot more complicated than you imagined. Lots of fine detail work on the jacket, and padded shoulders as well. The cuffs, though, were probably the most difficult part of the costume to make.

The short red jacket I made from a suede-like material with a pattern I generated with my Patternmaster software. I lined the jacket with red satin, and I was especially proud of the metallic cuffs, which I made from foam, styrene sheeting and denim studs. I attached the cuffs to the sleeves of the jacket with velcro, so they could be removed whenever the jacket needed to be cleaned.

The pink sundress was also made from a pattern I generated with my Patternmaster software. I had to alter the neckline, though, to give it a heart shape.

I made the wrist cuffs out of foam and styrene and painted them with gold Testor's enamel.

The hair sash I made from the same fabric as the sundress, and the green "materia" was nothing more than a green plastic Christmas ornament to which I attached a loop of elastic. As a finishing touch, I added a necklace, which was a simple black leather lace tied in a bow. (I wish all costume accessories could be that easy to make...)

Aeris Gainsborough (version 2)

Made with pretty much the same procedure I used to make my first version of the costume. Pictures are on display at

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