My Slayers Fanart

Welcome to my (as yet small) gallery of original Slayers fanworks. Try to stay together, people.

Our first stop on the tour is a Slayers/Star Trek crossover (which I made into a gift to Silvestris and Pairaka for their website's 10,000th hit party.) And which was sort of inspired by the Queen of Swords' Star Trek-themed episode from her fanfiction series, Gourrigan's Island. (Red Alert, Filia!)

 This next picture was--er-- inspired by my recent trip to Vegas. It's "Showboys!" starring Gourry Gabriev as Elizabeth Berkeley.... (I need some serious psychological help, don't I?)

These next three are romantically inspired works which I did during my spare time at AWA 2000 when I wasn't drinking sake or destroying my credit rating at the dealer's tables...

Here is some fanart that I drew for Syrena Done's "To Copy a Dream" online comic. It's basically two versions of the same cast picture. The first version was done with screentones, which I applied to the inked drawing by hand....

The second version was done entirely with Photoshop. Big difference, ne?

 Slayers is the property of Software Sculptors and lots of other companies. My own original fanwork, however, belongs to me and cannot be used without permission.

Gallery last updated October 11, 2000

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